Home Bento Cakes Bento Cakes for Rakhi

Bento Cakes for Rakhi

rakhi bento cake

Life is not fair. We all know that. But having a big sister or brother always helps, doesn’t it? All those physical fights of punching each other, all those battles for the TV remote, the taking bites of one another’s food—who doesn’t like them? Just kidding; these are surely the reasons we don’t like them, but there are also plenty of reasons to love them. Like the 2 AM “please send me money” phn calls, managing parents on date nights, helping to sneak in, and occasional treats without any reasons. Rakhi is, therefore, not only a festival of tying threads. It is time to celebrate this pure bond between siblings. In earlier days, Rakhi was only tied by sisters to brothers for their In earlier days, Rakhi was only tied by sisters to brothers for their “Raksha” (protection). However, with time, this has changed, and now Rakhi is celebrated in a wider circle, like between cousins, between sisters, and between friends too.

The festival of Rakhi is celebrated all over India, but with different traditions. It is a beautiful festival that is celebrated by old people as much as by young stars. The traditional thala A plate of rakhi usually contains a rakhi or sacred thread that the sister would tie to her brother’s wrist, sweets, a lamp, or a diya. The day of Rakhi usually passes by with joy and laughter, as it often serves as the occasion for family get-togethers. Now coming to the most important part: the Rakhi gift. This is the one day of the year where the sister is permitted to rob the brother.

However, with time, the Rakhi celebration has also changed. As brother and sister no longer live in the same place, the distance of being in neighboring rooms has grown to be the distance of being in different cities or different countries. But some relationships never change. So Rakhi has been modernized in place of being extinct. Now, Rakhi is celebrated with virtual video calls, Swiggy orders, and Amazon gift cards. Brothers arrange surprise gifts for sisters, and sisters order online sweets for brothers. Just because Rakhi has evolved a bit with time, the strong bond between siblings has loosened. Rather, the modernization of the whole thing shows the real admiration and affection that brothers and sisters have for each other.

In this modern Rakhi, sweets sometimes get replaced by cakes and other deserts according to taste. This Rakhi, if you want to surprise your sibling, you can bring a bento cake for them. Bento cakes are generally small cakes, enough to serve only two people. To celebrate a relationship as close and emotional as brother and sister, a bento cake might be a good idea, as sharing a cake would make them feel special. For your cute little brother or sister, you can order customized bento cakes, which can be theme-based or cream-based photo decorations.

Cakes and Bakes, a renowned online homemade bakery in Kolkata, has special bento cakes for Rakhi. They use fresh ingredients and are well reviewed on social platforms, with special mention of delivery on time. Cakes and Bakes is the most popular bakery for bento cakes because they have different flavors and decorations. They also make customized bento cakes. So if you like their cakes from their website, you too can order a cute little Bento cake for Rakhi and surprise your little, annoying, loving siblings.

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